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Re: Sean's FreeEMS Proto Hardware

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:21 pm
by Fred
This may be obvious, but I thought I'd point it out anyway. If you ground your transistorless LEDs you will get the same phase as I get with my transistors grounding the LEDs and the positive feed always on. I just realised this watching the "user led" and a pwm led flashing in sync together, one driven directly by the CPU, the other by a transistor...

If you do this, it means no code mods to get the same behaviour as me with less soldering and less components.


Re: Sean's FreeEMS Proto Hardware

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:54 pm
by SleepyKeys
I was thinking about doing that actually. What program do you use to draw electrical diagrams? We should probably start getting some diagrams together as we work along.

Re: Sean's FreeEMS Proto Hardware

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:55 pm
by Fred
I've played with KiCad which is the only decent open source one available as far as I know. Eagle is free to use up to 100 x 80, and therefore fine for drawing schematics for testing etc, but not fine for final designs as it rules out commercial production too...

Hooking up an LED hardly needs a diagram though does it? :-)


Re: Sean's FreeEMS Proto Hardware

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:08 pm
by SleepyKeys
Admin wrote:I've played with KiCad which is the only decent open source one available as far as I know. Eagle is free to use up to 100 x 80, and therefore fine for drawing schematics for testing etc, but not fine for final designs as it rules out commercial production too...

Hooking up an LED hardly needs a diagram though does it? :-)


Haha, no but it would be nice to have a schematic for "Opti-spark" interfacing, ya know what I mean. Stuff to piece together when we design the mb.