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Processing the MAF and MAP signals

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:10 am
by MotoFab
EDIT : Look, I don't mind what you post about or have to say, however you insist on stating everything as a question. State your information as statements such that we can discuss the information which YOU provide. Have another try at posting right below this one. When you do so in a reasonable way, IE by stating what you have to say rather than your 20 questions approach, I will respond and discuss it in turn. The other thread had served it's purpose. I would have left it open, but you were derailing it in your typical style. To save on space without deleting or changing anything, I compressed your post :
quote wrote:4 intake events on a 4 cylinder? or 4 measured over a period of time? if they are measured over a period of time without a clock, how do you know how much air you have? At that point you have an instantaneous signal that says "event occurring" and an instantaneous voltage measurement that relates to airflow RATE but no idea how long between events and therefore how long the air has been flowing at that RATE and therefore how much air you are swallowing.

Relating to digital processing, I have a question about this, Fred. An extension of the 'Minimum Sensors' thread in the Hardware forum.

You were talking about needing RPM, and I was talking about digital/linear processing. (Which is either an infinitely large or infinitely small clock period.) So we were on different pages maybe, you and I.

The question is: Are you planning to process the MAF and MAP signals in the same way? From the quote above it seems like it's possible that you might be.

- Jim