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Eventual Repo Overhaul

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:56 pm
by Fred
There are two things wrong with the firmware repo:
  1. It has far too much large binary objects in it. Especially open office docs and pdfs.
  2. It has NOT got the first year of development in it.
So, not for a little while, but at some point I will:
  1. Dig up my ancient SVN repo and export it to git.
  2. Join the old and new together and make it seamless.
  3. Filter out the binary files of old to lighten things up.
When the time comes to do this, everyone will have to get whatever they've got in the works upstreamed or rolled into patches and then switch to the new repo which will be at the same old location, probably. If you simply get me your various branches, they can be included in the filtering, and you can then just check them back out afterward. I'll give ample warning before doing this so that everyone can prepare.

After this we'll have the entire history (for the code) in one repo for analysis and interest's sake, and a lighter weight experience for everyone.

I've been thinking about doing this for, quite literally, years, but I'm pretty sure that I want to do it, now. I understand the downsides of it, but the upsides are nice so I think it's worth it.
