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Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:25 pm
by gixxer-harry
Your last exe run as admin installs and than give me an error kinda
Windows is asking if the software is installed correctly and gives me two choises
Reinstall the program using recommended settings
This program installed correctly

after i klick "this program installed correctly" error screen goes away but after that nothing happens

Run the exe a second time and now after installing no error screen but still nothing happens

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:40 pm
by DeuceEFI
DeuceEFI wrote:Harry:

Fred and I have been chatting on IRC, and I am going to reproduce what you did on my Windows 7 64bit laptop.
I followed your link and clicked on Install With Windows and it only gave me the choice to install which is now installing Ubuntu 64bit. So it looks like you did the only option... I thought you were downloading the file to create your own bootable CD/DVD (an .iso file which is what I normally do) so that is probably where we got off on the wrong foot... Sorry about that, I will try to make up for it :-)

I will post to this thread again once the download/install of the Ubuntu 64bit OS is complete and we can work together to get your Ubuntu installation running the way it needs to be.

ps... I'm no Linux expert by any stretch of the imagination but I do have a co-worker who has been a high level UNIX admin for more than 15 years who has been teaching me about UNIX/Linux and I'm teaching him about network engineering and electronics. :-)
I tried the Ubuntu "Install with Windows" (wubi.exe) installer and did not have any luck with Ubuntu booting at all after the restart. After about 20 minutes of googling this seems to be a common problem with Windows 7 laptops in particular mostly about the HDDs and the video cards, so I don't recommend anyone else try this. I will update my document to start from a blank hard drive with no OS at all on it to properly dual boot (which is what the wubi.exe installer was trying to do with just one partition) the two 32 bit or 64bit OSes (or mix and match).

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:43 pm
by Fred
Harry, with the second one you have to go into the git bash and do a "make clean all" again.

It will likely fail similar to this, if you get a different error more similar to your last one, let me know, this one I know about and will fix now:

[21:39] <PJSeries> CheetahToo
[21:39] <@diyefi-bot> IRMWARE_BUILD_DATE=\""Tue Feb 21 13:32:22 Mountain Standard Time 2012"\" -D OPER -
[21:41] <CheetahToo> PJSeries: doh
[21:41] <CheetahToo> that's my fault
[21:41] <CheetahToo> let me try to fix it here

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:56 pm
by gixxer-harry
Sorry Fred i dont know what you want me to do

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:04 pm
by Peter
gixxer-harry wrote:Sorry Fred i dont know what you want me to do
Run the git bash with "make clean all" and report on the output to see if it's different than this output

The updated toolchain is throwing errors on my computer, and he wants to see if it's the same on your computer.

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:12 pm
by Fred
Yep, I have that error on my computer on the mac now too, so I'll put a fix in pretty soon, and then it should build cleanly on Peter's machine at least, and hopefully yours too, Harry! :-) Working on it...

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:13 pm
by gixxer-harry
Welcome to Git (version 1.7.9-preview20120201)

Run 'git help git' to display the help index.
Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/Desktop/Workspace
$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'freeems-vanilla'...
remote: Counting objects: 6955, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1714/1714), done.
remote: Total 6955 (delta 5226), reused 6761 (delta 5032)
Receiving objects: 100% (6955/6955), 3.13 MiB | 772 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5226/5226), done.

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/Desktop/Workspace
$ cd freeems-vanilla/src

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/Desktop/Workspace/freeems-vanilla/src (master)
$ make clean all
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.dd -MT dependencie
s/decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.d decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.dd -MT depend
encies/decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.d decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of69.dd -M
T dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of69.d decoders/HallOrOptical
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of64.dd -M
T dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of64.d decoders/HallOrOptical
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-30minus2.dd -MT de
pendencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-30minus2.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-30
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.dd -MT depen
dencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-60minus2.dd -MT de
pendencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-60minus2.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-60
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus1.dd -MT de
pendencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus1.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-36
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-12minus1.dd -MT de
pendencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-12minus1.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-12
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8minus1.dd -MT dep
endencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8minus1.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8min
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1.dd -MT depe
ndencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1.d decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.dd -MT dependen
cies/decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.d decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.dd -MT dependenc
ies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.d decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.dd -MT dependen
cies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.d decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/BenchTest.dd -MT dependencies/decoder
s/BenchTest.d decoders/BenchTest.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/Listener.dd -MT dependencies/decoders
/Listener.d decoders/Listener.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TunableConfig2.dd -MT dependencie
s/initialisers/TunableConfig2.d initialisers/TunableConfig2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TunableConfig.dd -MT dependencies
/initialisers/TunableConfig.d initialisers/TunableConfig.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TimingTables2.dd -MT dependencies
/initialisers/TimingTables2.d initialisers/TimingTables2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TimingTables.dd -MT dependencies/
initialisers/TimingTables.d initialisers/TimingTables.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FuelTables2.dd -MT dependencies/i
nitialisers/FuelTables2.d initialisers/FuelTables2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FuelTables.dd -MT dependencies/in
itialisers/FuelTables.d initialisers/FuelTables.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TestTransferTable.dd -MT dependen
cies/initialisers/TestTransferTable.d initialisers/TestTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/MAFTransferTable.dd -MT dependenc
ies/initialisers/MAFTransferTable.d initialisers/MAFTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/CHTTransferTable.dd -MT dependenc
ies/initialisers/CHTTransferTable.d initialisers/CHTTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/IATTransferTable.dd -MT dependenc
ies/initialisers/IATTransferTable.d initialisers/IATTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FixedConfig2.dd -MT dependencies/
initialisers/FixedConfig2.d initialisers/FixedConfig2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FixedConfig1.dd -MT dependencies/
initialisers/FixedConfig1.d initialisers/FixedConfig1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/xgateVectors.dd -MT dependencies/xgateVectors.
d xgateVectors.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/miscISRs.dd -MT dependencies/miscISRs.d miscIS
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/realtimeISRs.dd -MT dependencies/realtimeISRs.
d realtimeISRs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/commsISRs.dd -MT dependencies/commsISRs.d comm
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/injectionISRs.dd -MT dependencies/injectionISR
s.d injectionISRs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/interrupts.dd -MT dependencies/interrupts.d in
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/blockDetailsLookup.dd -MT dependencies/blockDe
tailsLookup.d blockDetailsLookup.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/commsCore.dd -MT dependencies/commsCore.d comm
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/flashWrite.dd -MT dependencies/flashWrite.d fl
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoderInterface.dd -MT dependencies/decoderIn
terface.d decoderInterface.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.dd -MT dependencies/fuelA
ndIgnitionCalcs.d fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/derivedVarsGenerator.dd -MT dependencies/deriv
edVarsGenerator.d derivedVarsGenerator.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/coreVarsGenerator.dd -MT dependencies/coreVars
Generator.d coreVarsGenerator.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/StaticBenchTest.dd -MT dependencies/StaticBenc
hTest.d StaticBenchTest.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/globalConstants.dd -MT dependencies/globalCons
tants.d globalConstants.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/utils.dd -MT dependencies/utils.d utils.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/init.dd -MT dependencies/init.d init.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/tableLookup.dd -MT dependencies/tableLookup.d
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/main.dd -MT dependencies/main.d main.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/staticInit.dd -MT dependencies/staticInit.d st
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/freeEMS.dd -MT dependencies/freeEMS.d freeEMS.
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.d -MT preprocessed
c/decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.pp.c decoders/GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.d -MT preproc
essedc/decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.pp.c decoders/MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of69.d -MT
preprocessedc/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of69.pp.c decoders/HallOrOpti
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of64.d -MT
preprocessedc/decoders/HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of64.pp.c decoders/HallOrOpti
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-30minus2.d -MT pre
processedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-30minus2.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.d -MT prepro
cessedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-60minus2.d -MT pre
processedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-60minus2.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus1.d -MT pre
processedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus1.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-12minus1.d -MT pre
processedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-12minus1.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8minus1.d -MT prep
rocessedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8minus1.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Crank-8
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1.d -MT prepr
ocessedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-Cam-24min
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.d -MT preproces
sedc/decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.pp.c decoders/MissingTeeth-TestFile.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.d -MT preprocess
edc/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.pp.c decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-8and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.d -MT preproces
sedc/decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.pp.c decoders/EvenTeeth-Both-12and1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/BenchTest.d -MT preprocessedc/decoder
s/BenchTest.pp.c decoders/BenchTest.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoders/Listener.d -MT preprocessedc/decoders
/Listener.pp.c decoders/Listener.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TunableConfig2.d -MT preprocessed
c/initialisers/TunableConfig2.pp.c initialisers/TunableConfig2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TunableConfig.d -MT preprocessedc
/initialisers/TunableConfig.pp.c initialisers/TunableConfig.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TimingTables2.d -MT preprocessedc
/initialisers/TimingTables2.pp.c initialisers/TimingTables2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TimingTables.d -MT preprocessedc/
initialisers/TimingTables.pp.c initialisers/TimingTables.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FuelTables2.d -MT preprocessedc/i
nitialisers/FuelTables2.pp.c initialisers/FuelTables2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FuelTables.d -MT preprocessedc/in
itialisers/FuelTables.pp.c initialisers/FuelTables.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/TestTransferTable.d -MT preproces
sedc/initialisers/TestTransferTable.pp.c initialisers/TestTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/MAFTransferTable.d -MT preprocess
edc/initialisers/MAFTransferTable.pp.c initialisers/MAFTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/CHTTransferTable.d -MT preprocess
edc/initialisers/CHTTransferTable.pp.c initialisers/CHTTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/IATTransferTable.d -MT preprocess
edc/initialisers/IATTransferTable.pp.c initialisers/IATTransferTable.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FixedConfig2.d -MT preprocessedc/
initialisers/FixedConfig2.pp.c initialisers/FixedConfig2.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/initialisers/FixedConfig1.d -MT preprocessedc/
initialisers/FixedConfig1.pp.c initialisers/FixedConfig1.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/xgateVectors.d -MT preprocessedc/xgateVectors.
pp.c xgateVectors.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/miscISRs.d -MT preprocessedc/miscISRs.pp.c mis
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/realtimeISRs.d -MT preprocessedc/realtimeISRs.
pp.c realtimeISRs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/commsISRs.d -MT preprocessedc/commsISRs.pp.c c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/injectionISRs.d -MT preprocessedc/injectionISR
s.pp.c injectionISRs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/interrupts.d -MT preprocessedc/interrupts.pp.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/blockDetailsLookup.d -MT preprocessedc/blockDe
tailsLookup.pp.c blockDetailsLookup.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/commsCore.d -MT preprocessedc/commsCore.pp.c c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/flashWrite.d -MT preprocessedc/flashWrite.pp.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/decoderInterface.d -MT preprocessedc/decoderIn
terface.pp.c decoderInterface.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.d -MT preprocessedc/fuelA
ndIgnitionCalcs.pp.c fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/derivedVarsGenerator.d -MT preprocessedc/deriv
edVarsGenerator.pp.c derivedVarsGenerator.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/coreVarsGenerator.d -MT preprocessedc/coreVars
Generator.pp.c coreVarsGenerator.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/StaticBenchTest.d -MT preprocessedc/StaticBenc
hTest.pp.c StaticBenchTest.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/globalConstants.d -MT preprocessedc/globalCons
tants.pp.c globalConstants.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/utils.d -MT preprocessedc/utils.pp.c utils.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/init.d -MT preprocessedc/init.pp.c init.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/tableLookup.d -MT preprocessedc/tableLookup.pp
.c tableLookup.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/main.d -MT preprocessedc/main.pp.c main.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/staticInit.d -MT preprocessedc/staticInit.pp.c
m68hc11-gcc -MM -MF dependencies/freeEMS.d -MT preprocessedc/freeEMS.pp.c freeE
c:/usr/bin/make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc00000fd, addr = 0x4227d3)

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/Desktop/Workspace/freeems-vanilla/src (master)

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:18 pm
by Fred
Harry, you only have to do the git clone thing once, after that you can run "git pull" in the freeems-vanilla directory and it will update itself, very convenient :-) Just FYI.

So that output is with the installer that I linked above?

Did you try running git bash as admin? I'll get someone else to tell you how, as I don't actually know. It might help, though, so we need to try that.


Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:42 pm
by Peter
To run it as an admin.

Click on the widows icon
All Programs
Then right click on "Git Bash" and select "Run as Administrator"
In the git bash window type:
cd C:Users/Harry/desktop/workspace/freeems-vanilla/src
make clean all

Then see if it's the same output.

Re: MC9S12XDP512 board

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:51 pm
by gixxer-harry
Here you go Peter
Run as you wrote:

Welcome to Git (version 1.7.9-preview20120201)

Run 'git help git' to display the help index.
Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.

Harry@HARRY-PC /c/Windows/system32
$ cd C:Users/Harry/desktop/workspace/freeems-vanilla/src

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/desktop/workspace/freeems-vanilla/src (master)
$ make clean all
c:\usr\bin\make.exe: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc00000fd, addr = 0x422

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/desktop/workspace/freeems-vanilla/src (master)

Harry@HARRY-PC ~/desktop/workspace/freeems-vanilla/src (master)

Looks like the same error to me,but i dont have a qlue
I am going to you tube Git Hub,it looks like a nice tool to have under my belt