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Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:36 pm
by Fred
Logging is all added, and tools are up to date. Tonight, with the new tools, I confirmed that it's not working, however it's time for bed. I will attempt to diagnose and fix tomorrow.

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:19 pm
by Fred
I got shafted by the JimStim today, but made some good progress and should have a fully functional missing tooth decoder committed and pushed tomorrow :-)


Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:39 am
by tpsretard

I did not see it right away so added the link to your problem

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:20 pm
by Fred
Fixed and working as of today! :-)

Some performance limitations exist, but nothing worth worrying about. I can solve that easily.


Next steps other than optimising are adding secondary sync options, but not for a little while.


Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:34 pm
by Fred
Woops, never updated this thread! It actually wasn't working for outputs, only reading the wheels. But it should be now, or at least, much closer. Results are still a little inconclusive but I suspect my test setup is broken, not the code, could be wrong. Available in dev branch now for building.

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:36 pm
by Fred
Also, 60-2 is untested on the bench, and cam only mode is untested too. Either could be broken, more testing to come.

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:43 pm
by Fred
Confirmed fixed, 60-2 and cam still untested, but N-1 definitely works fine :-)



Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:21 pm
by Fred
6-2 Cam speed was tested by user Peter yesterday and confirmed to produce fairly accurate RPM. We're still waiting for a good binary log from any of the three users with missing tooth attached to an engine, though. It certainly looks promising that both minus two and cam speed modes work correctly. Hip hip hooray! I've just implemented a new addition to my test suite that enables fully configurable missing teeth test patterns to be made up to 5 missing and down to zero (for testing even + sync), so I'll bench test all modes in the next few days, or maybe even few hours.

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:49 pm
by Fred
Sync over 40 or so teeth was broken and is now fixed. Performance is miserable, though, with 60 minus 2 only capable of 3000 RPM. Clearly it needs some significant optimisations to be usable on a twin cam turbo BMW, or even a single cam fiat palio. If someone wires one up, I'll look at it. In the mean time it can stay like this.

Re: Generic M-N Missing Teeth Decoder (12-1,24-1,36-1,60-2,e

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:09 am
by nicholas
How did this end ?
was this code made part of the "release" or still under development ?

This specific functionallity of an ECU, knowing the flywheel position, acceleration , deceleration of the same.
Being able to handle the jerkiness during crank and even due to high compression engines etc etc.

Very interesting topic and the most fundamental one IMHO.

not only how you aquire flywheel position but also how the rest of the code gets this information.
A virtual flywheel inside the cpu trying to follow the real.

Not sure how rest of code working, if routines waits for an alarm, a que of alarms and when the time comes they are fired off, next in alaram que is moved forward, etc.

I guess i find out as I read along.

A mems sensor inside the ECU should be able to give you the load of the enginge.
If you know the weight more or less, give the power.

I also want the ECU to inform about the amount of engergy in the fuel, as it varies between diffrent types of gas and brands.

sorry for rambling a bit OT.
