As of tonight, it works, but like the 4and1 decoder, it requires more work.
- gain and lose combustion sync based on timing between events, always do this, set sync found on var
- save state and use flags to only check and do calcs if good
- verify the angles that I used for high/low
- add good documentation to the source and upload any logs/information/pics
- Make it configurable which edge the sampling and RPM are done on (not both) (same mod for mitsi 4and1 decoder) (always do it on second event to start quicker)
- Make it configurable to do batch injection too and/or not do ignition
Not to do with the decoder, but related:
- Make sure the engine offset angle is correct
- Look at correct dwell levels for this setup.
- Think about implementing dwell limiting via existing curve
- Think about refactoring to 1/10 degree units
- Think about splitting out code chunks for reuse across decoders (ADC, RPM, setup, noise checking
- Investigate the 2.5degree timing step visible on the light (could be on/off angle wrongness and sched jumping between teeth)
- Consider trying to use a jap coil instead of the tin can, and ditch the ballast resistor too.