I bought this once-immobile truck off my brother, repaired it, fell in love with it's utilitarian nature, bought a bunch of offroad equipment, and caught FreeEMS fever.
Owner: Jeff Sheldon
Make: Toyota
Model: Tacoma
Engine: 2RZ-FE
Capacity: 2.4L
Power Adders: Tony Chachere’s
Firmware at first start: FreeEMS g0b1f3bc
Hardware: Jaguar A3
Description: RWD base model truck, automatic transmission, ridiculously riced up
Build Thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1635
- First start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mq2FXY8GO4
[Zero tune, flat 50% VE, flat 10 BTDC timing, and no accel enrichment enabled. It ran so quietly, smooth, and easy at first start that I didn't realize it had turned over and tried to start it again (which led to the starter grind noise).]
Special thanks to:
- Fred Cooke, creator of FreeEMS (freeems.org) and good friend
- Andy Goss, designer of the Jaguar ECU (coolefi.com)
- Mike Carpenter, author of EMStudio (emstune.com)
- My girlfriend, Anna, and neighbor, Kyle, for their help and support
- Everyone on [url=http://%20forum.diyefi.org]forum.diyefi.org[/url] and the #freeems IRC channels
If I can do this, anyone can.
Edit: Corrected firmware hash. Added date of birth.