Serial communication protocol

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Serial communication protocol

Post by STC »

This topic is dedicated to resolve all issues related to communication protocol
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Re: Serial communication protocol

Post by tpsretard »

Maybe i am speaking out of turn here, or even out of my ass but...
I will add my 2c worth here..

I tune some very up todate and expensive ecu's. Among these are Motec, Pectel and Maclarin TAG.
Pectel will support Serial for tuning but dos not even recommend it. It is there for older digital dash's and older datalogers.

Motec and TAG do not even support serial anymore, they have had way to many problems with it and will not support the dataloging speeds needed for there use's.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not do what everyone else is doing also. (i know that sounds bad) That is move to a CAN interface or an RJ45 network interface. Every laptop make in the last 10 years has a network card and TCP stack.
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Re: Serial communication protocol

Post by Fred »

In terms of tuning through it, there is absolutely no issue, serial is plenty high enough bandwidth. For datalogging, yes, more is better, but still, you have to draw a line somewhere. Moving to CAN isn't a big deal except no one can get can hw for their pc easily... moving to ethernet is a huge deal as you need a full IP stack in your device, and the complexity sky rockets, as do resource usages. When it comes to comms, KISS is a good principal, and it's hard to beat serial for that. Just add a layer of protection and you're good to go. I'm not sure either your post or mine belong in this thread, though. SECU-3 exists and is finished, it's probably not really up for discussion :-) - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: Serial communication protocol

Post by STC »

SECU-3 designed to be simple. Serial communication is simplest solution.
Serial communication is very important in SECU-3. User can adjust all parameters and update firmware using only serial communication. It can send packets more than 100 times per second, enough for data logging. Yes, protocol is not standard and this this bad (at the time when I designed it I had small experience...).
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