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Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:51 pm
by Peter
This is my first attempt at KiCad, and for the most part wiring schematics in general. Feel free to point and laugh at mistakes. I also couldn't figure out how to export it to a pdf properly, but I didn't try very hard, because I'm tired of looking at this monitor. I feel like I may have used an excessive number of capacitors and resistors for for lite filtering and circuit protection.

Pg 10 of this pdf was what I was going to "copy". ... &can=2&q=/

I don't understand the diodes on pins 24, and 28. If anybody can explain those to me. I feel like they might be facing the wrong direction. Keep in mind that I don't understand what makes a schottky diodes special.


Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:43 pm
by Fred
A typical mess by that author. They're like normal, but lower v drop and a few other things. It depends what CCD*_REC pins do, I guess. Will take a look at your zip tomorrow.

Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:19 pm
by Peter
Don't worry about it too much. I'm mostly looking for general feedback on my "style?". Most of the values are completely arbitrary. I put them there as place holders for the possibility of needing high or low pass filters. If I was really ambitious I'd set a bunch of them up with the availability of band pass filtering. Just for fun if nothing else.


Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:39 pm
by Fred
If you want hints on kicad style, look at hotcat's work and Andy's work on jag, both of those are decent. Hotcat's follows the style of ravage, but in kicad. I can't recall if andy did that too, or not.

Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:41 pm
by Peter
Not so much KiCad style as circuit style. You'll know what I mean when you take a gander at the zip file compared to Jared's schematic.

Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:10 pm
by Fred
/me may have forgotten about this...
/me opens zip and kicad...

Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:16 pm
by Peter
No worries. I think the MCZ33800 might not be in your library since I had to draw it. It's nothing special, just a box with labeled pins.

Re: Low Side Driver with a MCZ33800

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:23 pm
by Fred
OK, the traces remind me of the labyrinth, but if that's what you've gotta do, that's what you've gotta do. I wonder if it'd be better done in the same style that ravage and hotcat do the cpu? IE, pump everything into a bus and put each group on its own page? The top third looks normal/good. The bottom 2/3 is a bit too dense for my tastes. You also didn't include the symbols etc, so I get blank ICs and ?? thingies. Disclaimer: /me has had a few wines.

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