Pluggable backends

Aaron Barnes' wxPython based FreeEMS tuning tool. No longer maintained and out of date with the protocol requirements.
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Pluggable backends

Post by sry_not4sale »

Fred wrote:Aaron and/or Ben and anyone else :

I would VERY strongly encourage you to put a LOT of thought into configurations and firmware versioning etc. There are a few ways to go, but I'm told the tuning tool build per firmware option isn't a good one. It is one that you can guarantee no user induced bugs with though! Having stuff like the INI file in megatune is NASTY but there does need to be some form of configuration to some extent regardless.

For JEMSTuner I was thinking about a sort of dependency hierarchy where an interface version maps to one protocol, one data mapping, one config and any number of front ends map over the top of those. I'm no expert on this, but it needs to be considered carfully.

The data you will have access to is laid out in FixedConfig.c and the various tables files.

I'll be posting here again tomorrow with a few words about the new release of the firmware (if all goes well)

I am looking at implementing this using a python module per interface version. Python modules can inherit from each other, so each time a new version comes out I can just add the new functionality - and if it has changed, just redefine the behaviour in the new module.

Also, I will define "required functionality", methods that must be defined in the firmware module to display an interface element.
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Re: Pluggable backends

Post by Fred »

Did I mention I have zero experience designing GUI stuff :-) Sounds like you have it well under control! If you want a bigger testing audience you could parallel develop it for use with MS2 as well. That way you could get a lot of testing in early on. Currently I know of only 5 people with the TA card that can help you really test it.

If you get really cunning I could probably find myself a less fire-hazard power supply and open a port to let you directly talk to my cpu via the internet and a module on my box. I'd be up for that just for the cool factor alone! Is there a JMS python module? That would be a convenient way of routing packets from one side of the world to the other :-)

You'd have access to it most of the time as I only use it in short bursts to test long-written code anyway :-)


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Re: Pluggable backends

Post by sry_not4sale »

That would be great mate!

There is a python JMS bridge that runs off the JMS REST services
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Re: Pluggable backends

Post by Fred »

So do you think you can quickly knock up something simple and secure to read/write /dev/ttyUSB0 and listen/send on port 9 million and 53 that I can understand (because I'm both paranoid and curious)?

In the short term it would be available only between about 5:30 and 2am uk time as I don't have a safe power supply for it just yet.

Or would it be easier to subsidise a board for you? lol

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