New Live Support Scheme

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New Live Support Scheme

Post by Fred »

It's a shame that it has to come to this, but it has. I have some big problems coming soon if I can't both raise some money and save some time. This will at least achieve one of those things :-p

As of now, speaking to me (skype or phone) is a privilege that you will need to donate in order to receive, unless you're currently considered a core developer.

I'll accept 30 - 100 USD per hour or part thereof if you need my assistance for your benefit. If I need your help testing, then of course you don't have to pay. Likewise if I have a social relationship with you, then you don't have to pay to have a laugh with me :-p

Current core developers:
  • Sean0 - firmware and (annual :-p) testing
  • MrOnion - firmware and testing (soon?)
  • Jonas - firmware and testing (thanks!)
  • Mike2073 - tuner development (carry on!)
  • EssEss - tuner development (welcome!)
  • Gufi - OLV development (again soon?)
In addition I often choose to talk to myself to get better answers, this remains gratis :-p

Donation unit size, and method of payment, shall be agreed before engaging in a conversation. Significant previous donations can be used as collateral against this too. You know who you are :-p

Examples of graduations:
  • 0 - 60 minutes = one donation unit.
  • 61 - 120 minutes = two donation units.
  • 121 - 180 minutes = three donation units.
  • etc.
Most conversations are under an hour anyway.

In addition, I'll be strongly expecting the above people to be using and sharing their knowledge with others on the forum as appropriate. This saves me a lot of time and physical stress, so is super valuable and aside from your code contributions, the biggest thing you can do to help.

Fred. - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: New Live Support Scheme

Post by Fred »

One more thing, as before: Condition for all skype calls is that the other party uses headphones. A headset is not required, any mic will do, but headphones are. Without them, skype ruins the sound, badly and the conversation goes un-smoothly with interruptions from both sides and sound cut out to avoid feedback, etc. - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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