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Greenstage / Tumanako

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:18 pm
by sry_not4sale
So a guy from work approached me about an open source project he is helping with...

They want to start an electric race series in NZ, and currently have a Saker outfitted with a large electric engine.

Best to read the site, the blog has lots of good info too.

Also, open source firmware for their electric motor:

Re: Greenstage / Tumanako

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:28 am
by jharvey
Back in the late 90's and into early 00, during my college years, I was a member of a club that did some interesting things. I see the page is still up.

One of the more notable items was our battery monitoring system. It used fiber optics to connect our 100/200 volt system to the 12V system. We integrated it into the radio, had an in dash screen and PC that would tell us all sorts of important information. The system would monitor each individual battery's voltage, post terminal temperature, and some other stuff. I see a page of it hasn't completely fallen to bit rot. Here's what left of that project.

Lots of fun. Lots of fun. Hope these guys have a good go with it. Lots of new developments have happened that have a lot of potential.