Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

OpenLogViewer is a cross-platform data log viewing application originally written by Gufi and new developed and maintained by Ben and Fred. Discuss all things OLV here!
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Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »

I thought I'd start putting things here so they don't disappear...

1) Get a null pointer when just opening a log and trying to click through it. Not sure why, don't have time to fix for ya, so just reset to the "fred sucks" commit and made my changes there.

Code: Select all

     [java] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
     [java] 	at Graphing.InfoLayer.mouseClicked(
     [java] 	at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
2) I'd like to be able to zoom out past 1.0 as well as in to whatever :-) My current log is too long to see on a 1280 wide screen and my eee is narrower. It's nice to be able to do that to get a feel for where stuff happened in a long log, anyway. So you need to do this for real driving style use IMO.

"fred sucks" commit works well, didn't try the second to most recent, don't have time.

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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by gufi »

post log or screeny of when this happens. its easier to debug if i have the test subject or a visual.

most likely due to having zoom and the int getting rounded or something. i'll have to look. i changed some stuff recently that may have broke zooming
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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »


Code: Select all






     [java] Exception in thread "CVS Type Log Loading" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
     [java] 	at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
     [java] 	at java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacity(
     [java] 	at java.util.ArrayList.add(
     [java] 	at java.util.regex.Pattern.split(
     [java] 	at java.lang.String.split(
     [java] 	at java.lang.String.split(
     [java] 	at Decoder.CSVTypeLog.decodeLog(
     [java] 	at
     [java] 	at

Log file was 20 meg ;-) Add some memory parameters to the JVM launcher to increase the limits. Don't be shy. This is the sort of log (40 records per second for 20 mins) that requires zoom out, too. Max of 32 seconds of log viewable at once as is on my 1280 wide screen. I'd like to see the whole log and then find the interesting bits and zooooooooooooom back in :-)

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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »

Added -Xms512m to this and it still bombed, so I expect that you have an issue somewhere, thoughts?

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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »

(20:18:18) fredcooke: the dot on diff only code doesnt work right, as you said, it goes on gui stuff, so you can have 50 changes and then a single pixel movement, and get a dot there and not on the 50
(20:18:32) fredcooke: so thats useless for high res stuff
(20:19:32) fredcooke: second one is, just clicking adds stuff to the first graph/split, but you cant get rid of it without trial/error clicking all of them again to see which one makes it go off...
(20:20:42) fredcooke: and another: the order of the numbers on the mouse is dependent in the order you add them to the splits, but it should be dependent on the order OF the splits and then the order in the splits (which is itself dependent on the order you add them, some sorting/consistency there would be great
(20:22:08) fredcooke: plus, ability to change colour and range :-) but you know that
(20:22:44) fredcooke: oh, and btw, i really like the mouse over stats on each one, but i reckon it'd be better if it was in a fixed place in the option pane such that it jsut udpateconstantly as you move the mosue around, make sense?
(14:37:07) fredcooke: the colour/range box fails to redraw under some circumstances
(14:37:19) fredcooke: top half vanishes and reappears with various actions
(14:37:23) fredcooke: in part or full
(14:37:28) gufi: hmmm
(14:37:35) gufi: possibly because of layering?
(14:37:41) fredcooke: maybe
(14:37:44) gufi: mebbe i should force it to a higher layer or something
(14:37:46) fredcooke: the events still get to it
(14:37:59) fredcooke: its just a redraw thing i think
(14:38:03) gufi: or possibly force a reapint?
(14:38:08) gufi: repaint
(14:38:14) fredcooke: not sure when it happens
(14:38:20) fredcooke: but it does
(14:38:26) fredcooke: like the list of fields over writes it
(14:38:27) gufi: ive noticed alot of times thats required when adding/removing things
(14:38:42) fredcooke: lemme try some shit
(14:39:14) gufi: if you can pinpoint at which time it screws up i can fix it easily
(14:40:15) fredcooke: adding a new division with it in the place where it goes makes it get partly hidden
(14:40:18) fredcooke: that i didnt notice before
(14:40:22) fredcooke: having trouble reproducing
(14:40:32) fredcooke: and
(14:40:39) fredcooke: as you move the mouse over it when it overlaps
(14:40:39) gufi: probably a layering issue then
(14:40:44) fredcooke: different bits come and go
(14:40:54) gufi: hmmm
(14:41:00) gufi: i need to play with it some more
(14:41:02) fredcooke: whichever bit you move the moust over stays visible
(14:41:15) fredcooke: cant make the top vanish again, though
(14:45:51) fredcooke: gufi: more feedback
(14:45:57) fredcooke: the mouse over info
(14:46:22) fredcooke: it shows min/max, but it shows what is being used for scaling, not the value range
(14:46:30) fredcooke: either show the value range or both
(14:46:31) fredcooke: and
(14:46:41) fredcooke: display the number of data points somewhere generic for all things
(14:46:57) fredcooke: and add the generic line count field
(14:48:54) fredcooke: new feature idea, you'll hate me for this, but, properties profiles, so you can have more than one that suit diff cars or diff log types etc without cluttering the place where you edit
(18:02:46) fredcooke: also, got a nullpointer exception at some point, but didnt notice when

Code: Select all

(18:03:32) ihatewebchat: [INFO] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
(18:03:34) ihatewebchat: [INFO] 	at org.diyefi.openlogviewer.optionpanel.OptionFrameV2$4.mouseDragged(
(18:07:03) fredcooke: gufi, new idea, click a button to rescale all things for the currently visible region! brilliant.
(18:14:25) gufi: fred that i can do. obviously would need to be optionable
(18:14:41) fredcooke: just looking at the ui
(18:14:52) fredcooke: i reckon some of the stuff needs to be in the main window
(18:14:52) fredcooke: eg
(18:15:11) fredcooke: its fucking painful looking at the numbers in colours and then back at the colours and then the names
(18:15:12) fredcooke: etc
(18:15:38) fredcooke: how about a column on the left with name/colour/value where mouse is, or centre if mouse outside
(18:15:38) fredcooke: and
(18:15:44) fredcooke: drag the fields up and into them
(18:15:55) fredcooke: so that its visually aligned with where the graph ends up
(18:16:12) fredcooke: the numbers on the pointer are nice, except you cant tell wtf they are most of the time
(18:16:18) fredcooke: which makes them a bit useless
(18:16:22) gufi: agree have been meaning to do that but got caught up with option pane pissing me off
(18:16:27) fredcooke: and they obscure the veiwe
(18:17:57) gufi: totally agree
(18:26:19) fredcooke: gufi, another idea, could be done with custom calced fields, but aliases for existing fields
(18:26:42) fredcooke: so i can setup names for zsp2, etc and have them stick till i change the code again - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by gufi »

all good points,

currently fixed is the dots, they now work off of the data instead of pixel
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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »

I just had a nice idea inspired by a particular type of data:

Dynamic ranges! If a variable is a counter and it goes from 0 - 65535 what you want to see is how it progresses, not what the value is, so you basically need the range to be whatever is currently showing, or step through set it, and then when it goes above that range, reset it to a new range and repeat.

For bonus points, have a x2 x5 x10, x20, x50, x100 type of option that can magnify the data (IE reduce the range to a fraction of what it should be), though this would leave you with only the centre part visible periodically. Which still could be nice to see, though possibly frustrating.

Which leaves me to another thought, and a possibly less intuitive one, multiple ranges at the same time, let it go up and down like a saw tooth in which ever way it needs to, with increments of 1. Yes, this is less intuitive but more useful than the zoom option.

If this doesn't make sense to you, I understand, but it does make sense, I promise :-)

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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Peter »

It'd be nice if the graphing option pane had some units on the variables. The sensors that're giving good outputs are pretty easy to figure out, but my CHT looks like it's in Kelvin. Even though I'm pretty sure it's being measured in Celsius, it'd make me feel better if they had units.
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Re: Fred's ideas, bugs, suggestions thread!

Post by Fred »

Internal temp units are in Kelvin, and there are currently no features in OLV to scale that back to C for viewing. Just subtract 272 :-)

This'll be easy to tweak once I migrate to a file descriptor for the logs.

Will link Ben here, though the lack of UI goodness is known and will be worked on fairly soon. ... ject_id=15

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