Unlikely to find a buyer lurking here, but needed a list before I listed them all on the local auction site, so here it'll go. Prices in NZ dollars.
- RB30E starter motor, $50
- RB30E extractors (coby?), $150
- RB30E automatic transmission with torque converter and assorted lines, told it shifted fine, $200
- RB30E alternator, $100
- RB30E cylinder head, $200
- RB30E inlet manifold with throttle and injectors, $60
- RB30E auto driveshaft, two piece, $100
- RB30E pistons and rods, $150 for the set
- RB30E distributor and cap, $100
- RB30E ignition leads, near new condition, $60
Bongo Friendy/Ford Freda parts:
- Bonnet
- Back door
- Sliding door
- Front door left
- Front door right
Millenia parts:
- Left tail light, JDM, yo
- Right tail light, JDM, yo
- Japanese owners manual
- Chrome grill