Since I returned to NZ in 2013 I have been looking for a product called Gregg's Seameal Custard, also gone. Not quite ready to RIP this one, yet.
1861 Gregg's was formed here in NZ. I submitted a comment to them via a form and got a copy in my email, which concluded with "Cerebos Greggs NZ" and something about Australia, which made a light bulb go on: It had been sold! Shame on you ancestors of the original Gregg from Northern Ireland! Now it's owned by a Japanese holding company! No longer personal, no one cares.
A link to people trying to find it:
A link to a current "no stock" page, will be dead in future, I have a copy saved: ... ode=273855
A few photos of old advertising for this stuff, and how it finally looked:

These companies don't seem to grasp that they hold the keys to aspects of our lives and culture that no one else can replace.
Tell us your stories of stuff that died completely and vanished!