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Words That I May Never Be Able To Spell

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:35 pm
by Fred
Off the top of my head, so far, this consists of pairs. Add your own, if I agree I'll add them to this post...
  • desert/dessert - one of these has sand, the other ice cream.
  • complement/compliment - one of these is a nice thing to say to someone, the other is something that goes with something else.
Don't bother educating me on the above, it's easy to look up, but you'd think after 9489 times I'd remember, however no...


Re: Words That I May Never Be Able To Spell

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:12 pm
by johu
How about your pronunciation? Can we get Fred reading this out loud at the end of first podcast? :)


Re: Words That I May Never Be Able To Spell

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:32 pm
by Fred
My pronunciation is generally very very good, with a few kiwi-vowel-fail exceptions from time to time. When I spent time in England I was most disappointed to find out that, unlike Sir David Attenborough, most people there can't speak English at all! What this lead me to was two things: Avoid all locals at almost all costs and simply stay indoors AND focus on improving my speech patterns and skills. As a result, when I got home to NZ afterward, I was accused of sounding British. I'm never sure whether to be horribly offended by that (there are some ghastly accents there...) or pleased (also some of the very best). However it never left, and continues to improve, by force, over time.

Having said (all of) that, there were a number of words that I didn't know how to pronounce at all in there. 21 to be exact, though some are likely a result of me knowing them only by sound, and never having written them, as such that list will shrink once I do some research into it. And once I have, I'll take a crack at it and upload a video just as practice for the new Podcast thing people seems so keen on ;-)
