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Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:01 am
by Fred
Maybe, but i still aspire to speak and write the Queen's English properly and as it was intended. I believe this is a valiant pursuit. Perhaps start another thread discussing cultural growth and stagnation and keep this one for finding my mistakes and pointing them out.


Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:40 am
by MotoFab
Fair enough, Fred. Like any individual pursuit, speaking well a particular version of language can be rewarding. Like assembler or c++.

I'm saying that more often than not, "finding mistakes" is itself a mistake. Particularly relevant is the methodology employed. I mean, if finding mistakes in others requires the individual to invite punishment so as to self-justify the incrimination of others on other days, well, I think that is a mistake.

It may be that others do not really care if you make a tyop. I'm sure we conceptually understand each other without the petty pedantic falderol. Expand to include life's errors. I think to do otherwise is mostly a mistake, and leads to other mistakes, even blindness.

- Jim

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:52 am
by Fred
This is about me wanting to improve, not about others making mistakes.

I need no justification to correct others whom embarrass themselves by being careless or uneducated. If it is someone that I respect I do it via PM. If it is someone I dislike I will rub it in. I don't feel bad afterwards and I expect the same of others. Honesty and accuracy make for a solid ship at the end of the day. Often it can be done in a fun way anyway.


Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:55 am
by MotoFab
Sheeeet Fred, I'm trying to take the piss out of you but you aren't going along with it, heh heh.

I believe Mark Twain was always a favorite of the Crown. He said things righter'n most folks.

- Jim

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:21 pm
by davebmw
Banter! love it! :lol:

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:41 pm
by Fred

"Note that the sync option can wear out device faster then you'd like too."

Spot the issueS with that sentence...

Let's start by getting rid of the e in than...

"Note that the sync option can wear out device faster than you'd like too."

Oh look, they forgot a or the...

"Note that the sync option can wear out a/the device faster than you'd like too."

Still not quite right... it needs a comma or one less o and possibly an it....

"Note that the sync option can wear out a/the device faster than you'd like to."

eg : I'd like to have the sync option wear it out fast.


"Note that the sync option can wear out a/the device faster than you'd like it to."

eg : The sync option is more strenuous on the device than you would like it to be.


"Note that the sync option can wear out a/the device faster than you'd like, too."

eg : "Note that the sync option can wear out a/the device faster than you'd like, also."

The entire thing :
Some monkey at ubuntu giving open source software a bad name wrote:The following shows how to put sync and noatime on for devices smaller then 1Gb and off for device larger then that. Note that the sync option can wear out device faster then you'd like too.
It irritates me that this is running my computer right now. Further proof that I fcuked up by not installing Gentoo.


Fred. (the snob)

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:34 pm
by jharvey
My opinion about distro's, Debian is best (mother of ubuntu and APT package management), Fedora/Redhat (Mother of CentOS and RPM package management) is close behind, then all the compiled ones. I believe Suse doesn't have a package manager, it's all compiled.

Debian is based on security and therefore is sometimes a bit less user friendly. However it also supports i386 as well as 64bit, and many other's like ARM. I put Fedora next in line behind because they only support i686 and above.

Ubuntu is an easy to use version of Debian. Primarily intended for those that don't know Linux. For those that already know the basics of Linux, I recommend Debian because it's the most solid, it's less likely to have bugs and you can get the bleeding edge. When a bug/fix/enhancement is found and implemented in Debian, then it has to propagate through the Ubuntu dev, then you get the update. I don't like the delay, or the extra chance of problems caused by the ubuntu dev team. So I put Debian on top.

Just some thoughts.

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:08 pm
by Fred
I've been using Linux since about 1999 or so I guess and debian for the majority of that time. I've been running debian unstable for the majority of that time. I do like unstable, but it does have it's drawbacks.

With debian it is the case that you can't really win. If you go stable, you are WAY out of date. If you go testing you are a bit out of date and bug fixes are a bit slow. If you go unstable, you are up to date BUT, you have the risk of stuff being very funky at times. It's not often a big deal, but you certainly can't do :

apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade

because chances are it will break something or other and you would have to run it daily to keep up with the changes.

Reality is that ubuntu is released 6 monthly and is pretty much up to date, there is good fast update service for it and it is pretty damn stable and consistent. The trouble comes with ubuntu being desktop targeted. What I should have done was install the server version and add the gui shlt in. Not install the normal one and try to take it all out. I failed, not it.

I disagree about redhat being worth looking at, it is a flop IMO and only anywhere like as popular as it is with companies because it was heavily commercially pushed. Debian wasn't and yet was one of the most popular only on it's own merit. Ubuntu has 99% the merit of Debian, but is also pushed by a company (canonical) and thus has received rapid popularity increase and dragged debian along with it somewhat.

suse does have a package management tool, and redhat uses a ripoff of apt called yum.

I definitely would not consider any redhat or mandrake or suse distribution because they aren't up to the task. For binary it is a toss up between deb and ubuntu, for source it's down to slackware versus Gentoo. If I can tame ubuntu away from being user happy and bring it up to the bleeding edge on specific packages I may stick with it in future. I'd really like to try Gentoo sometime though as it is one of the better options in general.

Source vs binary shouldn't come into it very much at the end of the day. Gentoo pretty much does all the work for you, the only real downside is that it takes time and CPU/Disk activity to get the work done whereas deb/ubun is FAST to install stuff.

So, my mistake, but that doesn't stop it pissing me off :-)


Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:26 pm
by Fred
This link is right in line with this old thread, don't read it if you're offended by bad language, of either type, LOL. Also, it's a fairly large image, size and size wise.

Re: Take the piss out of Fred thread!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:51 am
by Robb
Hey I just found this old pic of you Fred.
