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Pre-Release User Testing

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:01 am
by malcom2073
So, in an effort to curb the number of introduced bugs in core features, I'm going to start a list here of things that will be manually tested before each build.
just throwing out ideas here, this list is by no means complete. If you think of something else, please post it and I'll add it to the list. Some of this will eventually be unit-testable.

Increment/Decrement (Normal, and large)
Multi-selection increment/decrement (normal and large)
Multi-selection set value (set single value across a wide selection
Copy/Paste individual values
Copy/Paste Multiple Values
Copy to a spreadsheet, paste from a spreadsheet
Ensure copy/paste and increment/decrement work across axis properly (throwing errors where appropriate and rolling back data)
Save to flash/Load from flash/load from ram testing
Edit a parent and make sure a child location updates.
Edit a child and make sure a parent location updates

Hex Data:
Save to flash, load from flash as appropriate.
Edit a parent and make sure a child location updates.
Edit a child and make sure a parent location updates

Change com port and baud rate, save and reload to ensure it's saving.

Enable/Disable logging, while connected, while not connected, with restarts.
Change log directory, again while connected, while not connected, with restarts
Set to invalid log directory, again ^^
Proper naming of logs based on date and time

Command Line:
Test each startup parameter individually, then in combonation with others.
./emstudio --help

Re: Pre-Release User Testing

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:13 am
by Fred
Thanks for taking this initiative! :-)

Log file behaviour, combinations of directories/defaults/customised/changed on fly/out of fresh start, lack of naming, over writing, content of files, corruption of files, this sort of thing. At least 2 regressions here in the past.

Different test routines for 2D and 3D tables.

Window ordering/size behaviour consistent.

Different startup modes, with/without options (you and Dave have both screwed up here in the past).

That's all I've got for now.


Re: Pre-Release User Testing

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:49 pm
by malcom2073
Added some items about save to flash/load from flash/ram, as well as parent/child updates as appropriate.