malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welcome)

Mike's cross-platform FreeEMS tuning application, written in C++ using QT. With Mike's natural coding talent and Fred's intimate requirement knowledge it went from concept to full tuning capability in just 8 weeks!
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by malcom2073 »

Fred wrote:Went through this in IRC last night. First two listed are bogus, last one is too old for his code (lol). I've been using Debian for quite a few years now ;-)

Usually -dev packages just provide headers and pull in the same runtime lib that normal users would use.

Yeah, I need to fix dependencies.
flat4power wrote:Install on my debian X11 server ok form me with your package

just an error when I choose "Show 3D Map" but maybe I haven't all the good dependencies, I go check that ;)
error is certainly because I haven't install graphical driver on my server
I use xdmcp to connect on it with my OS X
Can't guarantee it will work over remote connection. FYI, it uses OpenGL for the 3d view.
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by malcom2073 »

Tons of stability changes in the past few days, and knocking out a ton of issues open on the tracker. Only about half of which got rejected and sent back to me :)

So what's been happening, a bit of a changelog since my last post. I think this is the format I am going to be doing from now on, it will help me keep track. Sort of a less technical version of the git log.

New installers are up, of course,
Git Commit: f4862bcefaa13cd12b3961b3b4f3136d733b38a0

Win32: ... -54-51.exe
Linux32: ... 9_i386.deb
Source: ... rig.tar.gz

- Fred made some changes to scaling and data labels making things all around better
- I fixed a typo in scaling that both Fred and I missed, fixing ETE values
- Switched Serial RX to its own thread, for increased speed, decreased latency, and increased complexity :/
- Copy/Paste works now with 2D tables in addition to the previously working 3D tables
- Hard and Soft reset both now have confirmation boxes, making sure you're doing what you intend to do
- Fix for how the Windows menu is handled, so now clicking on an item brings it to the front, rather than closing it if it is already open. Less confusing this way.
- Window sizes should be more correct on Windows XP!!
- Interbyte delay is now used properly. Not sure why we need this, but Fred insists. it's disabled by default.
- Hotkeys are now implemented on 2D and 3D tables. -/= for subtract/add, and shift for subtracting/adding more.
- Fixed some random graphical glitches involved with changing values on 2D and 3D tables. Should "look" much smoother now.
- The 3D table 3D view now opens and closes properly, and you can only open one per locationid.

Outstanding Issues:

In addition to just general testing and trying to break stuff, this is where I will list specific issues that need to be checked out.
Basically, unplug the USB cable randomly, and try to reconnect. Try to break it. which is a duplicate of
The windows side BenFenner (VERY quickly tested, awesome!!) works, but the Linux side still needs to be verified. Help Fred out and test this please
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by flat4power »


works great for me
Now "show 3D Map" is ok on my XDMCP remote client.

Nice work
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by Fred »

malcom2073 wrote:Tons of stability changes in the past few days, and knocking out a ton of issues open on the tracker. Only about half of which got rejected and sent back to me :)
Great work! <3
- I fixed a typo in scaling that both Fred and I missed, fixing ETE values
This was my fault, didn't miss it so much as thought it was right. Same issue in OLV still, I will fix that eventually.
- Interbyte delay is now used properly. Not sure why we need this, but Fred insists. it's disabled by default. - there was a battle with more detail somewhere, but I can't find it. - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by BenFenner »

Copy/paste needs some more work. =D
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by malcom2073 »

Alright, so my apologies, there were some major issues with the last dev release that should all be fixed now.

New installers are up at
Git Commit: 297aa427202403fcb67a4fda18c4ed63bfe1648f

Win32: ... -44-23.exe
Linux32: ... 4_i386.deb
Source: ... rig.tar.gz


- Fix for a variety of copy paste issues, including #607
- Refactoring of how I handle Serial communications.
- Change of config file locations, ~/.EMStudio/ on *nix, and APPDATA/EMStudio on windows
- Refactoring of how memory is handled internally in the tuner
- 3D Table cell highlighting based on currently values from datalog
- Checkbox for enabling/disabling cell highlighting
- Reduced CPU strain for displaying gauges
- Fix for a variety of issues, #757, and #758.
- Internal changes, abstracting FreeEMS specific code away from the GUI code.

Major Outstanding Issues:
This has been fixed, will be pushed to dev after it has been tested.
I swear, this is still on my radar. Currently totally disabled due to the new memory management, that will be fixed soon.
This is a fairly major issue, but there is a workaround involving sing +/- to edit the value, rather than directly editing it.
General sanity checking needs to be implemented in the code, to prevent silly typo errors.
Cell highlighting, currently partially implemented, but needs to be worked through and made to look and operate better.
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by Fred »

Sounds good! :-) - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by malcom2073 »

Slight change in how I will be doing things.

If you're used to using dev (aka unstable), you should now start using master (aka stable)

If you're intentionally doing testing, you should be using dev (aka unstable). Master will from now on only lag so far behind dev as to maintain an always "working" version of EMStudio. So with any luck, never more than 1-2 commits behind.

If you use dev and it breaks, file a bug report. If the break is stopping you from being able to tune, install master so you can continue tuning until the bug is fixed (In this case, the bug should be marked high/blocking priority).

I hope that with this and more testing, I can avoid repeats of the previous issues that we had the other week. Thanks!
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by Fred »

Plus named temp branches for experimenting? I hope so. Sounds good anyway. - where Open Source means Open Source, and Free means Freedom - the open source engine management system
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Re: malcom2073's EMStudio development thread. (Comments welc

Post by malcom2073 »

New installers are up at
Git Commit: e8c24eca83dc3f41a32721c8809a0e93936ccabd

Win32: ... -02-44.exe
Linux32: ... 2_i386.deb
Source: ... rig.tar.gz


- Fix typo in freeems.config.json that was preventing value highlighting from working in the ignition advance table
- Change so copy/paste takes effect much faster, as each copy/paste operation results in only a single write request to the ecu
- Offline mode is now enabled and working.
Couple of notes about offline mode:
To use offline mode:
Connect to ECU
File->Save Offline Data
Restart EMStudio
File->Load Offline Data
** Edit offline data as needed, hitting save to flash to save changes, and file->Save Offline Data to generate a NEW offline file with the changes **
Connect to ECU with offline file loaded will prompt you to apply changes. Hit Yes to both message boxes to apply the data, no to discard.

Major Outstanding Issues:
I re-opened this until I fix the dependency issue.
I'm still counting this as an issue, until I get it operating exactly as expected.
This is a fairly major issue, but there is a workaround involving using +/- to edit the value, rather than directly editing it.
General sanity checking needs to be implemented in the code, to prevent silly typo errors.
Cell highlighting, currently partially implemented, but needs to be worked through and made to look and operate better.
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