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MegaTunix Required Documentation Blocks

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:17 pm
by Fred
I was thinking about MTX and what it needs, this is surely a partial list, but...

0) Web summary and sales pitch

1) User guide with instructions on what various things do and how to achieve results etc. Maybe this can be single source and parsed into or from tooltip data. It'd be a shame to duplicate that and have one version or both end up wrong.

2) Source code docs, doxy, automated, no problems.

3) Building from source code, prereqs and stuff on/for different system styles such as ports, fink, deb, ubunt, arch, fedora, winblows (X build), for debian that could be reduced to "git clone X;cd MegaTunix;dpkg -i dependencies-ubuntu.deb;contrib/buildStuff.bash" if you build a meta package and keep deb/ubunt/whatever in the source repo taht can be installed and pull in the appropriate prereqs automatically.

4) Which systems it supports and which versions/ranges of firmware it supports, such as:

MS2Extra 3.1.0-3.1.2, 3.2.0, etc
FreeEMS <latest from master sources only, no backward compatibility yet>
MS3, nothing yet.
PIS, disabled, may work, may not.
JimStim 2.0.3

And limitations for any of them, such as "datalogging, bench test, some accessories and 3 table tuning only" for FreeEMS, etc.

If this is up to date at release time, it can stay with a release into the future as a reference.

5) Hazards of installing released versions (miles out of date usually) but how to get each of them anyway.

Maybe more!


Re: MegaTunix Required Documentation Blocks

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:36 pm
by Fred
Additionally a tweaking guide explaining what the different sets of installed files relate to and how they can be changed to customise various things! I write this as I contemplate tweaking something and don't know where to start :-) I'll find it, no stress.