Core recommended applications that are actively maintained, fairly stable, kept up to date and compliant with FreeEMS requirements.
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Fred's Reference Tools Reference implementations of various tools for use with FreeEMS. Written in Java for my personal use, they're 100% cross platform, 100% compatible and 100% reliable with thorough test coverage.
OpenLogViewer OpenLogViewer is a cross-platform data log viewing application originally written by Gufi and new developed and maintained by Ben and Fred. Discuss all things OLV here!
OpenLogViewer Website The very very sparse website with download and docs links and not much else.
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Total redirects: 1922675
EMStudio Mike's cross-platform FreeEMS tuning application, written in C++ using QT. With Mike's natural coding talent and Fred's intimate requirement knowledge it went from concept to full tuning capability in just 8 weeks!
EMStudio Website The official EMStudio website with all you need to know!
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Total redirects: 1975947
FreeTherm A thermistor curve calculator and simple code generator program used to develop FreeEMS and generate compile time curves for your custom sensors. Written by Fred and Shameem.